If you live anywhere near the Pacific Northwest you’ve heard the headlines: SNOWMAGEDDON 2010/2011 IS COMING! Every major news source in the area has run multiple stories/articles on the predicted La Nina phenomenon brewing in the oceans, which is poised to bring a colder and wetter than average winter to the area. KIRO TV actually hosted a half hour special on the upcoming La Nina. With memories of past lowland snow events (see: December 2008) still fresh in local minds, the First Snowflake Freak-Out Lady from the infamous Pemco Insurance commercial is already…..well, freaking out. Of course, on the other hand, the rest of us skiers and snowboarders are rejoicing.
If you’re anything like myself, you’ve already got the board(s) waxed, taken the snowboard rack out of storage (along with new stickers applied to the fairing), and gotten the snow tires ready for the Subaru. Sure it’s only the end of October, but the light dusting of snow we received above 4000’ is really giving us powder whores a sno-ner (snow boner for those not in the know). I can’t recall a previous season where I was this excited so early.
Mount Baker Ski Area also posted a quick tidbit that didn’t help my anxiety. They brought up the fact that the last time they had a La Nina season directly follow an El Nino year in ’98-‘99, they set the world record for snowfall at 1,140”! Just FYI, that snowfall total is 80% MORE than Baker’s total snowpack for last season. They actually had to dig out snow underneath some of the lifts in order for them to run! If we get anywhere near that snowpack, I’ll be in heaven.
Despite all the talk about a great season, I’m really trying hard not to get too excited. With the stoke meter so high this early in the season, it’ll be an extreme disappointment if the local ski areas don’t end up with record-setting snowpack. In my mind anything better than last season will suffice, but I can’t help but think of the extreme possibilities of an epic snowpack that is possible with a La Nina year.
So fellow sno-nerd, how high is your preseason stoke meter?